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The Inventory

Pantry Check presents your entire inventory on the inventory screen:

  • Items are grouped into categories (tap the headers to expand / collapse)
  • Items with the category are sorted by expiration / age (customize in the settings)
  • Items of same product are stacked together (control in settings)

For detailed view of the UI check out the inventory screen article.

Adding Items

There are a few ways to add items to the Pantry Check inventory:

  • Items by barcode – tap + to start the scanner
  • Items by name – swipe the scanner to the right to switch to product search
  • Custom items – on the product search screen, tap the ‘New’ button to the right of the search field and follow the wizard to create a custom product.
  • Shopping list items – tap the checkout button when done shopping and all the checked-off items will be added to the inventory. 

To add items by name swipe the scanner to the right to switch to the product search screen.

For a deep-dive check out the add items article.

Locating Items

There are multiple ways to browse and search the Pantry Check inventory:

  • Expand / collapse categories – tap anywhere on the category header.
  • Search by name – tap the search icon to activate.
  • Search by barcode – scroll to top and pull down to activate the search scanner.
  • Filter by location – when configured, use the location picker to filter by location.

Using Items

As you use up products in your household, make sure you update the Pantry Check inventory:

  • Finish items that you have used up.
  • Mark as spoiled items that have gone bad.
  • Adjust the amount at hand for partially used items.

Finished / spoiled items are moved out of the inventory but are still listed in the timeline.

Updating Multiple Items

In Pantry Check you can select and edit multiple items at a time:

  1. Tap the Edit button to enter the edit mode.
  2. Tap items to select.  When selecting item stack, each tap will select an additional item from the stack.
  3. Tap Finish / Spoil in the toolbar to update the selected items accordingly.
  4. Tap Done to exit the edit mode.

Other Item Edits

In Pantry Check you can edit various aspects of the product and item data:

  • The product category determines where corresponding items will appear on the inventory screen.
  • Product photosname, brand, general product notes, etc.
  • Item’s amount at hand, expiration date, locationitem notes, etc.
Details Screen - Edit Mode


To learn more, head to the editing products article.

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